This hands-on approach will be sure to build those learning blocks in their minds as well as their hands. Each block presents a place: ones (units), tens, hundreds, or thousands. You only need big building blocks and a dry-erase marker. Lego Block Place Value Teach Me Mommy has this great idea that I saw using lego blocks. I have whiteboard paper (aff) up near our morning meeting space in order to draw the place value.

As part of my morning meeting routine, we keep track of the days we’ve been in school as well as a countdown! Part of our morning routine is also drawing those numbers in base-ten blocks.

2. Morning Meeting Routine Do you count the number of school days you’ve attended? Or how many days to go? Either way, consider also having a space to draw the base ten blocks. Write the Room offers numerous skills-based task cards in the areas of ELA and Math, just like this place value activity. I am a huge supporter of getting my students up and moving as much as possible. Where can you find this last option?! Why Education to the Core Premium of course! So, when it comes to math topics, you can use your curriculum workbook (which in my opinion doesn’t provide nearly enough practice), buy a packet off of TPT (but then you have to buy another one when the next topic comes around), or unlock unlimited access to a multitude of math centers, practice activities, and lessons. If your students have a good grasp of the concept of place value, they will apply it to other lessons like number identification, multi-digit addition, multi-digit subtraction, greater than/less than, ordering numbers, and more. Why? The concept of place value assists with so many other math concepts. Yes, place value is so important that it needs to be reviewed, retaught, and practiced. Have you ever noticed that once you introduce place value to your students that it continues to spiral back into your lessons almost every week? I believe no matter what math curriculum or scope and sequence you may be utilizing in your classroom, we are all in the same boat together… trying to find new and engaging place value activities.